Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 1 - Digital Intra Oral X-Ray Sensors - The Good The Bad And The Ugly - Part 1

The topic is Digital Intra Oral X-Ray Sensors

-A device with either a CCD or CMOS sensor (just like in your digital camera except bigger) and then a coding or solid filter that converts X-rays to light that the sensor can read. Some medical digital X-Ray uses a specially charged plate that can read the X-ray directly without conversion. I do not believe any company is currently using this technology in dental............. Read the rest of the Week 1 - Digital Intra Oral X-ray Sensors - The Good The Bad And The Ugly - Part 1 article here!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Skip the Robot, Talk to a Person

These days, calling technical support can be a real nightmare for a number of reasons: long hold times, unintelligible outsourced operators, and “Tier 1” technicians who almost inevitably know less about the product in question than you do. But the worst of all tech-support injustices is the automated frustration dispensers that companies sometime employ to put you through a labyrinth of touch-tone menus before you can talk to a real person.

But you don’t have to put up with all of that, thanks to, which tells you—on a company by company basis—exactly what number to call and what buttons to press to get through to a real, human operator.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Solar Power = Obsolescence of Toothpaste

New technology allows tooth brush to utilize solar rays to catalyze a powerful chemical reaction that could leave your mouth more clean than using toothpaste! "You see complete destruction of bacterial cells," says Kunio Komiyama, the inventor of the device.

Mechanical University of Saskatchewan dentistry professor emeritus Dr. Kunio Komiyama and his colleague Dr. Gerry Uswak (pictured above) are recruiting 120 teens willing to brush with their prototype solar powered toothbrush. The Shiken Company of Japan are paying researchers to investigate whether the brush does a better job of eliminating plaque and bacteria than a conventional toothbrush.

Dr Komiyama's first model, which was described 15 years ago in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, contained a titanium dioxide rod in the neck of the brush just below the nylon bristles. When light shines on the wet rod it releases electrons. Those electrons react with acid in the mouth which helps break down plaque....NO TOOTHPASTE REQUIRED!

Dr Komiyama's newest model of the toothbrush, the Soladey-J3X, apparently packs twice the checmical power than the original prototype. There is a solar panel at the base of the Soladey-J3X which transmits electrons to the top of the toothbrush through a lead wire.

I would be interested to see what kind of feeling the toothbrush leaves your mouth with. I love the clean mouth feeling I get after brushing with my traditional paste, how would this toothbrush compare? How would this toothbrush affect bad breathe? These are some of the questions I want answered.

What is your opinion?

Article via Shiken Co. Ltd.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Do You Know Which Of YOUR Programs Are Accessing The Internet?

TCPEye is a nifty little program that is easily downloaded that will show you exactly how many programs on your PC are accessing the Internet. TCPEye also monitors your system and alerts you of any current open TCP/IP and UDP ports on your PC.

Within the TCPEye program you can right click on any process and choose from the following options:
  • Resolve Address
  • End the Process
  • Close the Connection
  • Look Up The IP Address's Whois information
  • And Much Much More!
TCPEye also allows for sound alerts or balloon notifications whenever a new process begins accessing the Internet keeping you well informed to prevent any unwanted connections.

TCPEye provides a laundry list of information about each open port such as:
  • Process Name
  • Path Of The Process
  • Info About The Process
  • Time In With The Process Was Created
  • Country That The Process Originates From, Including The Country's Flag
  • Color Coding Of Connection States
  • Name Of The User That Created The Process
TCPEye also allows you to save the TCP/UDP information to a HTML, XML, or Text file for easy future referencing.

TCPEye is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just Hear It: Free Music, Just Type It

Here's something fun for everyone! Ever had a song stuck in your head? Do you have a song that pumps you up and really gets your day going? For a fantastic, quick, and free way to listen to any tune you like all you've got to do is type it.