Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beware Of The Dog

We all have experienced it at one time or another, the relentless virus/spyware that attacks one of our office computers. Even with a good anti-virus protection on all of your workstations we can't make up for user error. Websites with malicious pop-ups, emails with virus attachments, etc., are all uncontrollables in the world of computers....until now. A program that we've used for a while now is K9 Web Protection.

K9 Web Protection is a super easy to use program that will allow you to allow most websites while blocking specific ones, or block all websites and only allow specific ones such as your insurance website, practice website and email, etc. Couple K9 Web Protection with a good anti virus program and you'll have your PC's locked down!

K9 Web Protection is also a useful tool if you find that your staff is surfing non work related websites a lot. Your staff might not like you for a bit after installing K9 Web Protection but they sure will be more productive!

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