Monday, January 31, 2011

Light Up The Room (Literally) With Your Smile

Yearning for professional-quality whitening minus the cost and tooth sensitivity? Jonathan B. Levine, DMD, PC, says his innovative GLO (guided light optics) device is the answer. Launching at HSN on February 1 and Sephora stores in April, the glow-in-the-dark system is $275 (in-office whitening costs up to $650) and consists of a reusable mouthpiece, case, control, charging dock, and USB cable lanyard—plus a 10-pack of whitening gel vials.

So why incorporate light and heat into the traditional at-home tray-whitening method? “The light and heat allow the user to get the efficacy of a pro whitening treatment at home,” says Levine. “The closed circuit system activates the hydrogen peroxide in the whitening solution and accelerates the whitening process.”

The not-too-hot mouthpiece also allows for a gentler experience, adds Levine, who says that high levels of hydrogen peroxide are responsible for tooth sensitivity: “Because the whitening is aided by light and heat, the GLO gel only contains about 6.7 percent hydrogen peroxide.”

Though it looks like something out of the futuristic world of Tron, Levine says using the electro-whitening tool is actually pretty simple. Start by popping open a vial and squeezing out some minty whitening solution. Once covering your top and bottom choppers with it, apply the mouthpiece and loop the control over your neck (when eight minutes is up it will flash blue). After doing four eight-minute sessions in a row—you’ll use up one tube of gel total during the 32-minute treatment—you’re good to go.

According to the doc, doing this routine three to five days in a row—every six months—will keep your smile glowing brightly. We’re ready to try it, are you?


2020: We Will Be Able To Wear Sony Computers On Our Wrist

Our current need for constant internet connectivity is so strong that we have high tech "Smart" phones, mini netbooks with wireless aircards, laptops, desktops, pc's in refrigerators, pc's in our closets, in our cars, and just about everywhere you might go.

Due to this popular demand for internet attachment everywhere we go Sony has released images of what could very well be the next step in constant personal internet connection. Being only 10 years away from a possible release to the general public it's pretty exciting to see where our technology is heading for the future.

The Sony Nextep Computer is being developed to be worn as a bracelet, the computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen, has a holographic projector (for screen), pull out extra keyboard panels and, of course, social networking compatibility.

How many of you think we'd be buying such gadgets?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

German Dental Staff Wear Low-Cut Dresses

A German dentist has ordered low-cut dresses for herself and her nurses to distract patients as she works on their teeth. Dr. Marie Catherine Klarkowski whose practice is in Munich in southern Germany said that she came up with the idea after watching the way male visitors to the local Oktoberfest enjoyed looking at the traditional low-cut Dirndl dresses. So she ordered for herself and her 10 staff similar frilled blouses in the same style with low cut cleavages and tight bodices that work like a push-up bra.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Super Computer, Schmuper Computer; Give Me An Old DOS Machine!

Inside Microsoft's Quincy Cloud Farm!

Most dental practices have a single file server, what if you needed a little more beef than just one meesly file server? Just imagine ordering your first Quincy Cloud Farm. You send your server specs over to Microsoft and in a few short weeks (maybe less) a massive tractor trailer with a crane arrives at your practice.

First, the crane lifts off a humungo freighter style container, loaded with ohhhh around 2,000 servers, and gently places it next to your building. Than the crane slowly moves back to the 30 foot open bed trailer and lifts off another unit about half as thick as your server container but just as long, plops that on the top of your server container and voila! You now have a massive super computer capable of computing all of your dental technology needs at light speed.

Ok, maybe it's all a dream...but the 2,000 server filled freighter container really does exist....I swear! Check it all out at Data Center Knowledge's website.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Hot Is Your Wireless Signal?

Ever wonder what the wireless internet signal strength is in your office? Ever feel like your laptop is super fast when you're in your living room but when you're in your bedroom you just cant seem to get a signal?

This great new tool from Ekahau called HeatMapper gives you a heat map of your office, home, school, or wherever you are to allow you to actually see where the best wireless internet signal is!! It's super easy to use and all it takes is a simple download to have you checking wireless signals in your office!

Oh, did I mention its FREE?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apologize for the Delay

For those that don't know, my wife is about 34 weeks pregnant. The other day when driving to her Dr's appointment she was hit by another driver! The car was totaled but luckily the accident happened right in front of the hospital where her Dr is. When she continued on to her Dr's appointment she started having contractions about 2 minutes apart so the Dr sent my wife up to the maternity ward for monitoring of her and the baby. By the end of the day her contractions slowed down to almost non existent but the Dr still kept my wife in the hospital for monitoring.

Shes back home now and her and the baby are A-OK :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Keep It Super Simple: A Dental Technology Integrator's Mantra

Nothing is more frustrating for a dental technology integrator like myself than going into a new network that is just a complete mess. I just did a basic install of some digital x-ray sensors in an office that already had prof.suni and dentrix. As I am going through the workstations loading drivers I see that windows firewall is on, anti virus real time scan is on with no exclusions set, and the current IT guy has like 5 mapped drives all mapping multiple ways to get to the same location. It was just a big mess............ Read the rest of the Keep It Super Simple: A Dental Technology Integrator's Mantra article here!

Lab Coats, Clean Rooms, Robotic Arms: Oh My!

If your anything like me than you probably have a whole slew of electronics; digital cameras, cell phone, laptop, camcorder, etc. With each of these devices you generally use a memory card to capture all of your memories, documents, and media. Ever wonder how those memory cards are made?

Massive clean rooms more clean than a hospital operating room, scientists in lab coats and dust masks, blazing fast and precise robotics laying solid gold wire and soldering terminals all done at mesmerizing speeds. We're talking sci-fi type stuff!

Wanna see?

The guys over at Lexar, leading global provider of memory products for digital media, hooked us up with a behind the scenes video of how their memory cards are made. Enjoy! :)

Too Much: Too Few: What To Do

With all of the different blogs, forums, websites, twitters, facebooks, and everything else on the internet. Sometimes it can be tough keeping up on your favorite writers or your favorite companys and the deals that they might be advertising. Ever wonder how the technologically advanced are able to follow, tweet, blog, and post so many different interesting things without skipping a beat?

There are many different programs that you can use to keep current with all of the information you need to ingest on the daily.

RSS feed is one of my favorites. RSS will feed all of your favorite blogs to your cell phone or computer in a quick and simple format for easy reading.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Local IT Person: To Use Or Not To Use

With the Electronic Records Mandate being enforced soon most dental practices need to start putting together a plan on how to go paperless. In my experience there are the dental practices that go with a local IT person, and than there are the practices that go with a specialized dental technology integrator.

At a very minimum you should at least consider using a dental technology integration company that specializes in practice management software, image management, intra oral cameras, and digital radiography, in conjunction with your local IT person........... Read the rest of the Local IT Person: To Use or Not To Use article here!

Monday, January 10, 2011

View What Doesn't Want To Be Viewed

Ever receive an email from someone with a document that you really need but when you go to open it you find that you haven't the right software to open it? Now there's a simple solution that will allow you to read your document quickly and get back to work, without even needing to register.

Here is a listing of the file formats currently supported:
  • Microsoft Office – doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, & pps
  • OpenDocument – odt, ods, & odp
  • OpenOffice – sxw, sxc, & sxi
  • Other Formats – rtf, txt, html, csv, & tsv

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Apteryx Integration Button Within Practiceworks

Our company supports just about every practice management and image management program thats available for dental practices and two of the most common programs we support is Practiceworks and Apteryx.

If you use one of the variations of the Apteryx imaging software (Prof.Suni, XrayVision, Lightyear, etc) than you know that Apteryx utilizes a program called NameGrabber to "sniff" out patient information from your practice management software and pull it into Apteryx.......... Read the rest of the Apteryx Integration Button Within Practiceworks instructions here!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beware Of The Dog

We all have experienced it at one time or another, the relentless virus/spyware that attacks one of our office computers. Even with a good anti-virus protection on all of your workstations we can't make up for user error. Websites with malicious pop-ups, emails with virus attachments, etc., are all uncontrollables in the world of computers....until now. A program that we've used for a while now is K9 Web Protection.

K9 Web Protection is a super easy to use program that will allow you to allow most websites while blocking specific ones, or block all websites and only allow specific ones such as your insurance website, practice website and email, etc. Couple K9 Web Protection with a good anti virus program and you'll have your PC's locked down!

K9 Web Protection is also a useful tool if you find that your staff is surfing non work related websites a lot. Your staff might not like you for a bit after installing K9 Web Protection but they sure will be more productive!